Founder & Creative Producer: Chris Lewman
Co-Founders: Albert Tong, Chris Morris
Business Owner: Butch Rigby
Business: Screenland Theatres
Location: Kansas City, Missouri

Brand Lab was created to apply the hackathon concept to businesses facing design, development or marketing challenges. Businesses receive direct access to local creatives; participants apply their expertise to a real case study while showing off their skills and competing for cash and other prizes
Screenland Theatres, a blend of unique Kansas City theatres, was the first Brand Lab project. The purpose of the event was to help build a great local brand for "Screenland's Famous Popcorn," a new gourmet product offering. Screenland's goal was to sell their gourmet popcorn throughout the year.

The event drew design guru Aaron Draplin, Draplin Design Co., as a guest speaker and judge, as well as Danny O'Neill, founder, owner and "Bean Baron" of The Roasterie Coffee Co.

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